Friday, November 2, 2007


I keep having these little "I'm really a professor now" moments.

Many of them are just generic...the first student who obviously lied about completing a paper, the first annoying coach conversation, getting called "Hey, doctor" in the townie bar, etc.

But some are much more specific: a student is missing class today to go elk hunting with his uncle.

Does this happen to, say, NYU professors?


Alena said...

Welcome to the west Doc! Up here in WY people schedule their vacations around elk/deer/bird/whatever season and it practically feels like a ghost town.

EJP said...

Pfff. Blog me when one of your students tries to bribe you with a big ol' venison steak.

Dr. PotatoHead said...

Actually, I asked the student if he'd caught anything and I think he thought I'd let him take the quiz if he gave me a steak or two.

Alas, I wouldn't eat a hermetically sealed cookie if this student had so much as looked at the package, let alone wildlife slaughtered who-knows-how with who knows how clean a knife.

And I don't do makeup quizzes.