(I realize that skiing next to the airport doesn't sound very idyllic, but Gunni only gets 3 flights a day this time of year, and the early morning flight doesn't start until after New Year's.)
Anyway, I'm a little tired at the moment.
It's supposed to be snowing down here, but not a flake has fallen since noon. The mountain's getting some flurries, but the current system seems to be going north of us.
The picture doesn't really do it justice, but the snow on this run was well up over my knees. You can sort of see a little speck about three-quarters of the way up the hill - that's a buried boarder trying to dig his way out. This stuff is perfect for boards - less so for skinny skis.
Here's another run that's just my old-lady speed. I think it's called Jokerville, but I might be wrong. It's definitely off the Silver Queen lift on the front side.
The little town in the valley is Mount Crested Butte. It's basically just the resort village at the bast of the mountain - the practical stuff is all in Crested Butte (or Gunni).
And here's another progress picture of the mountains beyond CB.
Nice. It's currently almost 50 degrees in Cambridge. I'm gonna go play in the mud!
Would this not be the time to say that since tomorrow's faculty meeting has been canceled I get a whole Thursday to ski free?
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