Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thursday morning ski report, part II

CMBR is finally starting to look like a ski area! This is a shot of Paradise Bowl - a very nice intermediate area of the mountain.

Good cruisers, but nothing exciting. Still, hard to complain when it's free, plus I'm taking my time this year working up to skiing the exciting stuff.

Where did Crested Butte get its name? Well, there's a butte and it's got a big pointy lump of rock on top. It's very impressive from the road, less so in this picture from the lift. But you get the point.

So to speak.

Sorry the light is so flat in all of these. A big storm was moving in and preparing to dump 40 sweeeeeeeet inches on the mountain. Today (Sunday) was clear and cool and the powder was over my knees.

I'll put up the pictures of that tomorrow, but right now I have to go spiff up for the campus Holiday party.

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